Work from home
Are you working from home either part-time or full-time? Secure, professional-looking communications solutions are a must. You need to know that important business meetings will not be interrupted by personal contacts trying to reach you on the platform you are using, and you need a private network that is not vulnerable to being hacked.
Regional meetings without needing to travel
Would you like to be able to have secure, professional meetings more often, without having to travel? Maybe you have kept some meetings as in-person due to technology not being reliable or secure enough. Globalink can help you set up a customized system that serves your needs securely.
Zoom is nice, but how secure is it really?
How professional does it look if you accidentally leave on the cat face filter, or the potato head?
Medical and legal professionals especially need security, as well as maintaining professionalism. But many other businesses would benefit from a more secure and professional-looking platform as well. With a custom platform, you will not be interrupted by other users trying to contact you or your participants.
Globalink Custom Solutions
Globalink offers customized, secure communications solutions for your business. We can help you keep communications completely secure. With our solutions, there is no interfence from other users’ personal contacts and no cat-face filter issues. In fact, we can keep out all the exra tools that you don’t need, to avoid confusion and embarrassment.
Here’s what Globalink can do:
*Video conferencing for a small number of users
*Audio conferencing for unlimited number of users (Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone wasn’t busy looking at each other’s home office decor but could still interact? )
*Free calling to group members worldwide